WebTEM: A Web Application to Record Text Entry Metrics

Ahmed Sabbir Arif

Launched on , last update pushed on

Update Log

Email at to report bugs or request new features, metrics, and/or phrase sets for your user studies; if you are seeking consultation or want to collaborate on a research project evaluating a text entry technique(s).

: Enabled the use of custom phrase sets by copy-pasting the phrases into a text area. Each line must contain one phrase.

: Made the following updates:

: Included the 900 Mixed-Case Alphanumeric Text & Special Symbols Phrase Set created by Arif et al. (2014). This set is composed of 7% uppercase letters, 10% numeric characters, 7% symbols, and 76% lowercase letters and spaces.

: Made the following updates:

: Included a new option "Keep equal spacing between presented text and input area, input area and keyboard". When selected, the app maintains an equal distance from the presented text to the input area and from the input area to the keyboard. Requested by A. Komninos.

: Made the following updates:

: Made the following updates:

: Added an option to record the total number (and ratio) of single-character edits, i.e., insertions, deletions, or substitutions, needed to change the transcribed text to the presented text. These are calculated using the Levenshtein distance algorithm. Note that these are not categorization of different types of errors in the transcribed text, instead the types of corrections needed to fix the errors. However, one may use the following convention to convert these single-character edits to the types of errors in the transcribed text: substitution = substitution error, insertion = omission error, and deletion = insertion error. Requested by Y. K. Cheong.

: Made the following updates:

: Fixed a bug that occasionally entered carriage return in the text box instead of displaying the next phrase. Please let me know if you encounter this error. Reported by Noirin Curran.

: Made the following updates:

: Made the following updates:

: Fixed some typos in the comments.

: Updated the citation (added page number and DOI).

: Included international metrics for non-Latin scripts, calculated using the output stream convention proposed by Sarcar et al., 2015.

: Hosted WebTEM: a Web application to record Text Entry Metrics.

Disclaimer—The application is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with you. Under no circumstances shall the authors have any liability hereunder for any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly from the use of this application.